Horror Sean's Rants
Read my madness!
Monday, July 21, 2003


Yeehaw! Welcome do The Cowboy Dubya hour, on KKK-TV! Today's guests are the VERY honorable CIA Director George Tenet; the amazingly truthful Tony Blair; and the very intelligent Colin Powell.
I'm Uncle Dick, now give it up for our favorite little truth bending cowboy - GEORGE DUBYA BUSH!

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, it does. It now is apparent George - I can never tell a lie - Bush, well did just that. In fact it was a pretty large lie, a lie that may have cost the US 230+ military deaths. We go to Iraq to secure their right to peace, their right to live in a terror-free zone. Yet we inflict them with a blatant massacre.
But that isn't the true news story in this mega-chaotic array of events. Nope it's now pretty clear President Bush skewed evidence to further his beating of the war drum. Funny because I thought a president wasn't supposed to do that. Think back to 1998 and what the right-wing did to President Clinton.

Here we are, in a war that has blazed Iraq into total anarchy; a war that has gone nowhere; a war that hasn't restored peace to Iraq; a war that hasn't brought freedom to that area. What is even more saddening was the fact we entered this war on the belief Iraq posed a major, and unprecedented threat to OUR freedom here at home.
President Bush so clearly stated in his State of the Union Address that our country was at a major risk. That Iraq had WMD and we needed to disarm them because they were not doing it themselves. So we waged war on a 3rd World Nation. We went into this war and battled it out. Killed thousands of people, and found no shred of evidence that Saddam, or Iraq had ANY capable WMD. A war that's base was built upon the belief that they did in fact have those weapons, turned out to be a flop. Now we sit; 230+ troops dead, scores injured and a president that LIED to the nation. I think it's time we call for impeachment, because he totally undermined the oath in which he stated in January of 2001. Maybe Mr. Bush needs to review what he said back then. How about I help him?

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States."

The constitution clearly states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Now I ask you, has President Bush done this?

Has he created a more perfect union?
Look at the state of our nation today. To me the union isn't as strong as it was 4 years ago.

Has he established justice to our nation?
No he hasn't. He has abolished justice in the name of fear.

Has he insured domestic tranquility among our nation?
Our nation hasn't been this divided since the Civil War days. He has divided us by race, gender, culture, economic status and sexual orientation. Does that truly create domestic tranquility? I think not.

Has he provided a common defense for our nation?
It seems Bush has only enlarged the hatred toward America since he took office. That isn't providing a common defense toward our country. It is creating a larger terrorist base that can and will attack.

Has he promoted the general welfare of our nation?
He has put thousands of American lives on the line in Iraq. The inept comment about 'bringing 'em on' only furthers the rational sentiments that Bush hasn't promoted a general well-being of our nation.

Has he secured the blessings of liberty to us and our posterity?
No. He has been the base of anti-liberty mandates since September 11th, 2001. Furthermore these mandates have orchestrated terrible events that have led to the common demise of the world's liberty. Not just for today's population, but tomorrows as well.

The writing is clear. Mr. Bush has not upheld the oath in which he promised, nor has he upheld the constitution in which he was to preserve. With that said, there is only one clear option. I'll let the words from our constitution speak for me.

Section 4 of Article II:

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
posted at 9:45 PM
