Horror Sean's Rants
Read my madness!
Sunday, July 06, 2003

Inept Leader
By Sean Reynolds (7-03-03)

Bring them on. Those three words were uttered by our courageous (yeah right) president, words targeted to Iraqi militants. Now one must wonder how sick and demented one must be to out-and-out CALL on militants to attack American forces. Does this man have any ounce of human compassion? From what I can see - he doesn't. President Bush is so withered in his inept leadership that I truly wonder if he even fathoms ANY of the spew that comes from his mouth. What is even scarier is the fact he may very well understand what he's saying. Hell, he may even MEAN what he's saying. If that is the case, we have an uncompassionate leader on our hands. Someone that thrives on the defeat, the horror, and pain of others, that's fucking scary.

President Bush said this with little regard to the fact that Iraqi militants may respond with horrible action. In essence President Bush is pleading for the death and demise of our military forces. His lack of responsibility is shocking. He's their boss and he's telling the enemy to 'bring it on'. Yet again this is a perfect sign of classic bullying politics from the Bush camp. He fumes at the mouth with little regard of the implications of his words. This is not a leader; it is someone that is too obsessed with his own voice. Sadly it seems more Americans are becoming less aware of his deficient actions. They pass these blunders off as just George being George, forgetting the fact that what he says affects the world around us. He makes an inane comment, clearly stating that he wants blood-shed. Yet this will go unreported and subsequently unknown, why? How can something so horribly blatant be ignored by the mass-media? I'll tell you how, it's because they're Bush ass-kissers. They grovel at his feet like he's the fucking messiah. That's because all the media is owned by large corporations that whore themselves out to the Republican Party. Bad press toward Bush means less money for the corporation, something that can't happen in their eyes. That is why the media chastised Clinton for every gasp that could have been spun into typical Republican slander.

So with that said, it's obvious that Bush loves to play on the terror of others. Never has a president called for an attack on our military, until Mr. Bush opened his mouth. Sadly his true colors are showing - colors in which I've read all along. Maybe now the people will see how sick this fucker really is.

Mr. Bush, to your comment I say: Bring on 2004.

posted at 9:29 PM
